Launching YotaPhone

Category: EVENTS, PR
Date: 17. June 2014


YotaPhone was a bold new smartphone project with a secondary e-ink screen globally introduced earlier. Every media knew what the YotaPhone is, however very few journalists and even fewer end-users had a chance to try the device for themselves.


Our goal was to introduce the device in Czech Republic and Slovakia to amaze potential customers and support business arguments of the local distributor for partners to list in their catalogues, seed it into media and sustain the buzz around the brand until the 2nd device generation is available.


Whispr organized very successful press conference in Prague downtown with presence of 65 journalists from the Czech Republic and Slovakia, ranging from ICT and lifestyle media to business and Russian-speaking media. The press conference also gave opportunity for 1-to-1 interviews with the Vice-President of YotaPhone and hands-on with trained staff.

In a crucial 2-month period we’ve secured 55 outputs (47 online, 8 printed) across the media spectrum.


Events PR