Fitbit #WhatsStrongWithMe influencer campaign

Date: 30. November 2021


In 2021, Fitbit decided to change the public’s perception of Strength. Strength was not to be understood only as the ability to lift something heavy, but as a complex concept that encompasses both physical and mental aspects.


To introduce Fitbit smartwatches and bracelets to the public as a tool to help them become stronger. Whether it’s motivating them to run in the morning, learn better sleep habits or be able to relax when they need to. The goal was to have individual influencers authentically describe what the term Strength means to them and how Fitbit smartwatches or bracelets help them do that.


We reached out to five influencers that focus on healthy living or lifestyle in general, with a total of nearly 450,000 followers. Each influencer had a unique take on the concept of Strength. From each individual being strong in their own way, to paying homage to all mothers for what they manage to do for their offspring, to the fact that being strong is when a person can overcome their own laziness. Even if it’s a walk to the store. We recorded 5 Instagram posts with over 10k reactions and 16 IG stories. The campaign had a positive response not only from the influencers themselves but also from the fans.


Influencer management